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Last Updated: November 7, 2024

Your use of SurveyMonkey Contribute ("SMC") is governed by these SMC Terms of Service (the "SMC Terms") and any related policies or guidelines that we may make available from time to time. These SMC Terms are "Additional Terms" to our general Terms of Use (the "General Terms"), which also apply to the extent that they do not conflict with these SMC Terms. In the event of any conflict between the SMC Terms and the General Terms, the SMC Terms shall apply only with respect to SMC and the General Terms shall otherwise govern.

In order to use SMC, you must first agree to these SMC Terms. You can accept these SMC Terms by clicking on the button which indicates your acceptance of them in the SMC user interface, or by actually using SMC. You understand and agree that we deem your use of SMC as acceptance of these SMC Terms.

SMC is only available to residents of the United States who are 18 years old or older, excluding residents of Alabama, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi and South Carolina. If we become aware that an ineligible person has registered for an SMC account, we will not make any donations for any SMC surveys completed under such account and may cancel that account without notice.

SMC allows survey creators to distribute their surveys to you if you have information in your SMC account profile that matches the demographic that survey creators wish to target. Eligible surveys are surveys created and deployed by survey creators specifically through SMC to SMC participants such as yourself. Each time you complete such an eligible survey in accordance with these SMC Terms, a charitable donation will be made by SurveyMonkey. The amount of the donation for completing a given survey will usually be $0.50 USD, but at the time you are presented with that survey, we may specify that a different amount will be donated, or in limited cases, that no donation will be made, per completed survey. Occasionally, we may invite you to answer questionnaires or "profilers" which gather more profile data (information about you) so we can send you SMC surveys that better match your interests. Profilers are not eligible surveys.

When you complete your first SMC eligible survey successfully, you will be given the choice to select a charitable or non-profit organization ("Charity") from a list of Charities page (as updated from time to time) as your designated Charity. Donations relating to your successful completion of eligible SMC surveys will be made to this designated Charity by SurveyMonkey. You may change your designated Charity at any time through your SMC account management page, and such change will take effect for donations made after that time. SurveyMonkey will make donations to Charities in accordance with the designations of SMC users on at least a quarterly basis. If we are, for whatever reason, including due to the Charity you selected not being in good standing with federal or state regulatory agencies, unable to make a donation to your designated Charity, we will make that donation to a different Charity of our choosing, which will be disbursed within 30 days of confirming the Charity's eligibility. Subject to meeting any eligibility requirements, we will disburse the funds to your designated charity on at least a quarterly basis (within 30 days following the end of a designated quarter).

When you complete an eligible SMC survey successfully, you may be offered the opportunity to play an "Instant Win" game for a chance to win a prize. The official rules for such game will be made available to you at that time.

Your use of SMC is conditioned upon your compliance with these SMC Terms and any other provisions governing such use. In the event of your non-compliance, fraud, submitting false or untrue survey responses, cheating, providing poor quality responses (see examples here), or other inappropriate activity (as determined by us in our sole discretion), we may cancel or invalidate your account, decline to make some or all donations accrued from your completion of SMC surveys, or restrict, block, suspend, limit or otherwise prevent your access to and use of SMC.

Your SMC account is personal to you and is not transferable.

You will be able to track the donations you have accrued by completing SMC surveys through your account management page. Although donations are presented as a monetary amount, they do not entitle you to, and are not redeemable by you for, any sum of money, monetary equivalent, or monetary value, and are presented for your informational purposes only. You acknowledge that you are not entitled to receive any tax deductions as a result of the donations SurveyMonkey makes to charities under these SMC Terms.

You agree to maintain and promptly update the information you provide during registration, and any other information you provide to us in your account profile, so as to keep it accurate, current, and complete. You can do this by accessing t