As a parent or caregiver, your involvement in your child’s learning and school is valuable and important. This survey asks for your opinions about what your child’s school does to get you involved in your child’s education. Your individual responses, which may help schools improve connections with parents and families, will remain confidential. Results will only be reported as part of a group.

Thank you for your input.  Please return to your students ELL teacher by  June 12th, 2017.

Question Title

* 1. For each statement below, please check one answer that most closely matches your opinion on your child’s school this current year. If you do not know or think you do not have enough information to answer please select “I don’t know.”

  Agree Disagree I dont know or Not Applicable
I receive information on what I can do at home to help my child improve or advance his/her learning.
I receive information on health and nutrition
I receive information on child development.
My child’s teacher asks to meet with me face to face at least once a year to talk about how my child is doing
My child’s school is very good about staying in touch with me (e.g., letters, phone calls or e-mails).
When my child’s school communicates with me it is easy for me to read or understand. .
If I have a question, concern or comment about my child the teacher, principal or guidance counselor gets
I am invited to meetings so that I can learn about what is going on in the school (e.g., issues or policies).
There are many different ways I can be involved with the school, either at the school itself, at home or in the community
When I volunteer at the school, I am given training and resources to do my task well, if needed.
I receive regular updates from the teacher on my child’s progress.
My child’s teacher(s) adjust their teaching styles to meet the academic needs of my child.
I believe my child is challenged by the school academic curriculum.
My child’s teacher(s) hold high expectations for my child.
My child receives the academic support needed to meet his/her individual needs.
I can be involved in school improvement planning and decision-making at my child’s school.
 am invited to help plan family involvement activities
I am given information about community services that help with families’ needs (adult education, job, health, mental health, utilities, etc.).
The school helps my child feel comfortable as he/she moves from one grade to the next.
My involvement in my child’s education is valued at my school.
My child’s school is a friendly environment for students, parents and families
My child’s school is a safe place to learn.
My child’s school respects all cultures and diversity.

Question Title

* 2. I would use the following supports if they were offered:  Yes or No

  Yes No
Networking with other families
Adult education classes
Parenting classes

Question Title

* 3. Please provide any comments or suggestions below on what the school could do to better support your involvement in your child’s learning and school:  Your child’s grade level 

Question Title

* 4. My students attends which school--

Additional comments: