About this Virtual Consultation:

Global Affairs Canada is partnering with the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) specifically to consult Canadian youth on their views, positions and ideas regarding Canada’s participation at the upcoming 8th Summit of the Americas that will take place in Lima, Peru, on April 13 to 14, 2018. The results of this virtual consultation will be summarized by the YABT in a report. This report will help inform Canada’s engagement in the Summit of the Americas process.

This is part of a larger effort conducted by the YABT to invite young people from the hemisphere to voice their opinions, proposals and solutions that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the mandates of the Summit of the Americas as part of the Youth Participation Component of the Fifth Young Americas Forum.

The central theme of the 8th Summit of the Americas, as proposed by the host country, is "Democratic Governance against Corruption". This virtual consultation focuses on the three sub-topics covered in official concept papers that were distributed to Member States delegations to guide discussions. We encourage you to read them prior to completing the questionnaire. 

We invite you to share the questionnaire with youth networks, youth-serving organizations and your peers, especially those who live in remote areas or who cannot attend the YABT face-to-face consultations.

Support Documents:

Concept paper "Democratic Governance against Corruption" VIII Summit of the Americas.

Theme 1: Democratic Governance and Corruption.

Theme 2: Corruption and Sustainable Development.

Theme 3: Aspects of Cooperation, Institutional Frameworks, and Public-Private Partnerships.

Guiding questions

Please answer the following questions that will help us to better understand the demographics of respondents and capture your views about the topics of the Summit:

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* 1. Age

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. Do you self-identify as belonging to an aboriginal or visible minority group?  If so, please select which one:

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* 4. Province or Territory:

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* 5. City

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* 6. In terms of your community engagement, which of the following groups do you best identify with? (select all that apply):

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* 7. Name of your Organization (if affiliated with one):

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* 8. Position (optional):

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* 9. Taking into consideration that the theme for the Summit of the Americas is “Democratic Governance against Corruption”, in your perception, corruption affects sustainable development and quality of life in your community:

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* 10. Out of the following options, how would you rank the main obstacles for effective democratic governance, starting by the most important (1) to the least (11)?

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* 11. Why have you chosen such issues as the main obstacles for democratic governance?

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* 12. What level of priority would you give the following indicators so as to mitigate corruption in Canada?

  Less Important Important Very Important
Transparency and access to information
Public ethic and government efficiency
Control of corruption and preventive measures
Diversity and inclusiveness in government

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* 13. Do you consider there to be challenges in Canada and/or your community regarding the implementation of mechanisms that ensure transparency and accountability? Please explain briefly.

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* 14. In your view, which strategies can be implemented from any sector to avoid corruption and strengthen governance? Do you know any in progress? Specifically, what could you do?

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* 15. How could the Government of Canada promote more participation of youngsters in decision-making processes?  What could be done through both public and/or private partnerships?

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* 16. What strategies could be used to increase citizens' confidence in the democratic system?

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* 17. What experiences and/or best practices do you think Canada could share with other countries in the Americas?

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* 18. Do you agree with the Government of Canada’s priorities at the Summit of the Americas: advancing democratic governance, promoting inclusive growth and supporting human rights, including the rights of women and other vulnerable groups?

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* 19. Taking into consideration the concept papers for the Summit of the Americas, are there any other specific issues that in your view Canada should be advancing upon at the Summit?

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* 20. Would you be interested in participating in the activities of the Young Americas Forum?

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* 21. If you have led a successful initiative involving youth related to trade, social issues or the Sustainable Development Goals and would be available and interested in presenting this initiative at the Youth Forum taking place in Lima, Peru on April 10-12, please click the box below and the YABT will communicate directly with you.

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* 22. Full name:

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* 23. E-mail: