Greening European Mobility through Cascading Innovation Initiatives

Thank you very much for your help to the research activities of the GEMINI project funded by the Horizon Europe program of the EU: By filling this questionnaire you will contribute to promote a more sustainable mobility in the future.

The objective of this survey is to identify emerging technical and social innovations drivers that could impact the implementation and success of New and Shared mobility Services.

The questionnaire is anonymous. The information will be treated according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU. 

We are interested in hearing your independent personal opinion, which does not have to coincide necessarily with the point of view of the company / government you work for.

The survey will take you around 15 minutes. It can be filled on a mobile phone, but it is preferable to complete it on a computer or tablet. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at:

Laura Garrido -
Juan Nicolás González –

Thank you very much for your cooperation!
9% of survey complete.