Weatherization Survey Question Title * 1. How would you rate our crew member's professionalism? Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Question Title * 2. How would you rate the quality of service you received? Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Question Title * 3. How would you rate the speed of service you received? Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Question Title * 4. Was the weatherization process clearly explained? Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Question Title * 5. Did you receive the service you were originally seeking? Yes No Question Title * 6. If you answered "no" above, please check all applicable boxes below that explain why. Service requested was beyond scope of the program My deferral expired I canceled/refused services Agency canceled services Question Title * 7. Please provide any other comments or concerns Question Title * 8. To be contacted regarding your comments, please provide your name, email and phone number. Full name: Email: Phone number: Done