1/11 - Estudio del Camino de Santiago (ULTREYA Project)

Thank you very much for participating in this study.

If you are answering this questionnaire, it is because you are planning to walk all or part of the Camino de Santiago (various routes). By responding to the following questions (about 15 minutes), you will help us to understand the effects of the Camino de Santiago on psychological health and well-being. To evaluate the effects of the Camino in the short- and mid-term, we ask that you also respond to a second questionnaire when you have completed the Camino and a further one 3 months later. All your data will be stored securely, treated anonymously and will only be used for research purposes. For more information, you may also visit our wesbite at www.estudiocamino.org.

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Please indicate your email below (it will only be used to send you the questionnaire again at the end of the Camino and 3 months later)

Research team:

Dr. Albert Feliu Soler, Manu Mariño, Dr. Joaquim Soler, Dr. Marcelo Demarzo, Dr. Javier García-Campayo, Dr. Juan Vicente Luciano

Fundación San Juan de Dios
Universidad de Zaragoza
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Quietud Mindfulness Center
Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo
Red de Investigación en Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la Salud (RedIAPP)
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red - Salud Mental (CIBERSAM)

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In collaboration with:

  • Agrupación de Asociaciones del Camino del Norte
  • Asociación Abriendo Camino, Amigos del Camino Norte de Santiago
  • Fundación Eroski

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1. I have been informed about the research aims and the questionnaires that I will complete to take part.
2. I freely and voluntarily accept and agree to follow the instructions, and to fill in the questionnaires that are given to me.
3. That data derived from these tests, always safeguarding my right to privacy and anonymity, may be subject to scientific disclosure.

I confirm that I understand the study aim and what I will need to do to take part. I confirm that this consent is given freely and voluntarily, and that data gathered will be used for scientific ends:

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Would you like to receive a summary of the overall study results of the study on completion?

Please, click Next to continue with the study
9% of survey complete.