Exit Southwick Survey Summer 2021 We want to hear your views on local issues, our park and community centre. Question Title * 1. What issues are most important to you where you live? Question Title * 2. What do you like best about where you live? Question Title * 3. You may be aware that we recently secured an initial £200,000 for improvements to Thompson Park. What do you think we should focus on to make the park better? Question Title * 4. One area of the park that many residents have spoken to us about is the play area. What would you like to see included? (Please feel free to tell us about other park and play areas you think are great!) Question Title * 5. We would like to see the Southwick Community Centre serving the community and used as a vibrant community hub. What activities would you like to see at the centre? (Choose as many as you like) Exercises classes Dancing and activity sessions Evening events (parties, functions) Children’s birthday parties Summer fayres and community fetes (Jubilee, VE Day, Great Get Togethers) Luncheon clubs (Fish and Chip Fridays, Pies and peas) Food bank Community shop (discounted food available for a small charge) Youth activities Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What would you like us to focus on over the next year? Question Title * 7. Your Name Question Title * 8. Postcode Question Title * 9. Email address and/or phone number Question Title * 10. Would you like us to follow up any of the answers you have given with you? (If yes, please ensure your contact details are included) Done