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Prioritization Survey: external stakeholders
Prioritisation of Cochrane Urology Review topics
Cochrane Urology is conducting this exercise to ensure that their resources and efforts are being used to produce high-quality evidence on systematic review topics of the utmost importance to their end-users of Cochrane reviews. The results of this exercise will guide the Group's work moving forward. The full plan for this priority setting exercise can be found on the Cochrane Urology website, here.
Prior to this survey, the Group has gathered input from our Editors to devise a list of important topics for review updates and new reviews. The Group now wants your help to prioritise amongst these topics.
If you are an individual who has been affected by a prostatic disease, a carer, health professional, guideline developer, researcher, policymaker or part of an advocacy group, we would love to hear from you by completing this survey.
Your participation is voluntary. We will collect the country, role, and affiliation of each participant since it would help us map the stakeholders we have reached. Otherwise, all responses will remain confidential and anonymous. If you wish to provide your name (optional), we will acknowledge your contribution in our report. If you wish to receive the final report of this project, you can leave your email address (optional). If you provide optional contact information, this will be handled according to the Data Protection Law 25.326 (Argentina). All data is stored in a password protected electronic format. Submission of the survey will be interpreted as your informed consent to participate. This survey takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
The steering group of this project: Philipp Dahm (Coordinating Editor Cochrane Urology), Jae Hung Jung (Coordinating Editor Cochrane Urology Satellite – Korea), Juan Franco (Contact Editor), and Robert Lane (Managing Editor – Cochrane Urology)
If you have any questions, please contact Juan Franco
Institutional Review Board approval (IRB) Nº 0038-20: Comité de Ética de Protocolos de Investigación Universitario - Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires – Argentina. Contact information of the IRB: (Juliana Baraldo).
You are invited to share the survey link with individuals or organisations whom you think might be interested in providing feedback.