Saint Kitts and Nevis: Public Policy Research Needs - COLANSA |
Informed Consent
Informed Consent
The Latin American and Caribbean Nutrition and Health Community of Practice (Colansa) is conducting a study to identify research needs related to the development and implementation of national public policies aimed at promoting healthy food environments in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Within this framework, we would like to invite you to participate in a survey. It will take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. The survey has three parts:
1) First, we will show you the policies currently in effect in your country, which have been gathered through a literature review; and we will ask you to corroborate the findings .
2) Then, we will ask you which policies need additional research in order to better promote them.
3) Finally, we will ask you about the research needs related to the selected policies. That is, what knowledge must be generated to enable the development or advancement of these policies in your country.
The Latin American and Caribbean Nutrition and Health Community of Practice (Colansa) is conducting a study to identify research needs related to the development and implementation of national public policies aimed at promoting healthy food environments in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Within this framework, we would like to invite you to participate in a survey. It will take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. The survey has three parts:
1) First, we will show you the policies currently in effect in your country, which have been gathered through a literature review; and we will ask you to corroborate the findings .
2) Then, we will ask you which policies need additional research in order to better promote them.
3) Finally, we will ask you about the research needs related to the selected policies. That is, what knowledge must be generated to enable the development or advancement of these policies in your country.
Please note that your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the survey at any time. You will not receive any remuneration for your participation. Your data will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank you very much for your valuable contribution.
It is not necessary to know all the policies listed to answer the questionnaire. Click here if you would like to see an example.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this research, please contact the study leader: Dr. Vilma Irazola, info@iecs.org.ar, +54 11 4777-8767 and the IRB Research Ethics Committee (Iniciativa y Reflexión Bioética), +54 11 3965 8409.