Fitwork project introduction:

Promoting physical activity through workpalce health promotion
An organisational survey
Background and introduction:
FitWork is an 18 month project, co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union and a  partnership of organisations - The Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, Universidade de Coimbra, The Technische Universitate Eindhoven, The European Network for Workplace Health Promotion and the Romtens Fundation.
The aim of the project is to, ‘develop good practices to help ergonomic, health and safety professionals and sport professionals implement physical activity programs to adress ergonomic risks in the  workplace’.
The first step in the project process is to undertake a survey, the purpose of which is to identify the factors that contributed to the successful development of physical activity programmes in workplaces across Europe. This information will be used to create a guidance document on the development of good practice in workpalce physical activity programmes.

We are extremely grateful for your particpation in this survey.

How to complete the survey:
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Many of the questions in the survey simply require you to indicate the response that best reflects your organisations experience. A few of the questions provide you with the opportunity to write a fuller response. Please use these opportunities to the full – as these questions will help us to determine the success factors that led to the implementation of such good programmes in your organisation.

Questions linked to HR and OH issues:
Several of the questions relate to information about the demographics of your workforce, working practices and factors linked to employees health and wellbeing. It may be difficult to gain the information you need to respond to these questions. Colleagues from your Occupational Health or Human Resource Management teams may be able to help. Alternatively, you could ‘check’ the Don’t Know (DK) or No Answer (NA) Column.

Please note that you do not need to provide any contact information if you do not wish to do so. If this is your preferred option please check box d in question 20. If you would be happy for a member of the research team to contact you to find out a little more about your organisations approach to the promotion of physcial activity in the workplace please complete the releavnt sections of question 20.