proceedit BPMS, BPM and BPaaS Market Survey 2015 100% of survey complete. Question Title * 1. Which option describes better your professional activity? Student Teacher Free-lance professional Entrepreneur Enterprise partner / owner Working in a business consultancy company Working in a technological consultancy company Working in a BPMS software vendor company Working in a technology vendor Working in a technology distributor Working in a technological services provider Working in a private end user company Working in a public end user institution Professional in transition Retired professional Other (please, specify) Question Title * 2. In what country do you (will / have) develop(ed) most of your professional activity? Argelia Angola Argentina Australia Austria Azerbaiyán Bangladés Belarus Bélgica Belice Bolivia Brasil Bulgaria Canadá Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croacia Cuba República Checa República Dominicana Ecuador Egipto El Salvador Finlandia Francia Alemania Grecia Guatemala Hong Kong Hungría India Indonesia Iran Iraq Irlanda Israel Italia Japón Kazajistán Korea Kuwait Libia Luxemburgo Malasia México Marruecos Birmania Países Bajos New Zeeland Nigeria Noruega Omán Pakistán Panamá Perú Filipinas Polonia Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Rumania Russia Arabia Saudita Singapur Eslovaquia Eslovenia Sudáfrica España Sri Lanka Sudan Suecia Suiza Taiwán Tailandia Túnez Turquía UK Ucrania Emiratos Árabes Unidos Uruguay USA Uzbekistán Venezuela Vietnam Other (please, specify) Question Title * 3. How many employees work globally in your organization? I'm not working I'm a free-lance Between 2 and 5 Between 5 and 10 Between 10 and 25 Between 25 and 50 Between 50 and 100 Between 100 and 250 Between 250 and 500 Between 500 and 1.000 Between 1.000 and 2.500 Between 2.500 and 5.000 Between 5.000 and 10.000 Between 10.000 and 25.000 Between 25.000 and 50.000 Between 50.000 and 100.000 Between 100.000 and 250.000 Between 250.000 and 500.000 More than 500.000 Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 4. In which of the sectors indicated here below could better be included your organization? Agricultural Army Banking BPO Chemical & petrochemical industry Consultancy Distribution Energy & utilities Engineering & construction Fishing Food industry Free-lance Government Hardware industry I don't know Information Technology Insurance Internet Leisure Mining No answer Non-profit organizations Not applicable Other industries Other services Pharmaceutical industry Private education Private health Public administration Public education Public health Religion Retail Software industry Telecommunications Tourism Transport & logistics Travel Question Title * 5. Are you personally involved in BPMS (Business Process Management Suites), BPM (Business Process Management) or BPaaS (Business Process as a Service)? Yes, as teacher Not at all Yes, in marketing Yes, in pre-sales Yes, in sales Yes, as business consultant Yes, as technological consultant Yes, as business manager Yes, as IT manager Yes, as decider Yes, as a company partner / owner Yes, as user, actor in business processes Yes, as service operator Yes, as related services provider Yes, as related products supplier Not applicable I Don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 6. Your organization, has already implemented automated BPM processes for its internal use? Not at all Not yet, but we are studying it Not yet, but we are right now discovering our processes Not yet, but we are right now mapping / defining our processes Not yet, but we have already mapped / defined our processes We are just now implementing our first automated BPM process Yes, we have already implemented our first automated BPM process Yes, we have already implemented between 2 and 5 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 5 and 10 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 10 and 25 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 25 and 50 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 50 and 100 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 100 and 250 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 250 and 500 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 500 and 1.000 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 1.000 and 2.500 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented between 2.500 and 5.000 automated BPM processes Yes, we have already implemented more than 5.000 automated BPM processes Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 7. Which are the most important breaks and barriers your organization is experimenting / has experimented when trying to implement its firsts automated BPM processes? (please, mark up to 3 answers) Our operations change constantly with many new business cases and exceptions, then it is not possible to predefine how are we working Decision on which BPMS platform to use between more than 400 in the market High cost of the maintenance and continuous updating / improvement of the BPM processes We were / are not convinced of the promised savings Decision on which business consultancy company to contract Slow BPMS learning curve We were / are afraid of losing flexibility in operating our business We can't put a value on the intangible benefits expected, then there is no way to justify the project from the financial point of view Afraid about continuity in business of the BPMS software vendor Our business is essentially driven by persons, no way to automate their skills and knowledge Taking into account the high cost of the implementation of a single automated BPM process and the high number of business processes our organization is operating, we really can't afford the total required investment High cost of development / integration of the BPM processes We don't have solved / stabilized yet the support for our transactional / registering part of business which is our priority Due to inflexibility on the labour/unions we would not be able to take profit of the potential savings I don't know We were / are afraid of the difficulties of the change management involved on BPM implementation Due to the complexity of our operations we consider it is not possible to automate them Not enough or low resources assignment because of the lower priority of BPM implementation project comparing to external projects Lack of technological consultancy skills Difficulties on discovering / mapping / defining our business processes No answer Lack of business consultancy skills Decision on which technological consultancy company to contract Cultural barriers of managers and users Lack of strong leadership High cost of license of the BPMS platforms Difficulties on the integration with the existing corporate applications It is / was not easy to convince our management level High cost of maintenance of the BPMS platforms Not applicable Other (please, specify) Question Title * 8. In which of the BPM implementation project phases did you found / are you finding more difficulties in the implementation of automated BPM processes? (please, mark up to 3 answers) C level sponsorship Business process discovering Business process mapping Business process optimization (OPEX) Technical feasibility analysis BPMS selection BPMS training Simulation and what-if analysis Cost and benefit estimation Investment justification (ROI, IRR, ...) Budget allocation Management "GO" Functional analysis Organic analysis BPMS installation BPMS configuration Development Process Standardization Mobilization of process tasks Design / evolution of process tasks forms Treatment of non-foreseen use cases and exceptions Piloting Integration with corporate applications Testing Training Data / documents charge / migration / synchronization Start-up Users Adoption / Change management User reactivity Deployment to third parties actors Monitoring Systems and applications updating & maintenance Users support Collecting users feedback On-line optimization Tracing & auditory Security of data and documents Regulations compliance Project management Time and cost control of the project Maintenance BPMS version upgrades Treatment of unespected exceptions Changes / new use cases implementation Continuous improvement Continuity with next process implementation Migration to other platforms Not applicable I don't know No answer Otra (especifique) Question Title * 9. According to your experience, what is the average effort to develop a medium complexity automated BPM process, including everything: from the discovery phase to the successful start-up, and from both customer and third parties involved sides? Less than 50 hours From 50 to 100 hours From 100 to 250 hours From 250 to 500 hours From 500 to 750 hours From 750 to 1.000 hours From 1.000 to 1.250 hours From 1.250 to 1.500 hours From 1.500 to 1.750 hours From 1.750 to 2.000 hours From 2.000 to 2.250 hours From 2.250 to 2.500 hours From 2.500 to 2.750 hours From 2.750 to 3.000 hours From 3.000 to 3.250 hours From 3.250 to 3.500 hours From 3.500 to 3.750 hours From 3.750 to 4.000 hours From 4.000 to 4.250 hours From 4.250 to 4.500 hours From 4.500 to 4.750 hours From 4.750 to 5.000 hours More than 5.000 hours Not clear to me Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 10. According to your experience, which is the average complexity of a typical automated BPM process of a medium size, expressed as per the number of process tasks forming the process class, including personal and automated ones? Between 1 and 2 Between 2 and 3 Less than 5 Between 5 to 10 Between 10 to 20 Between 20 to 30 Between 30 to 40 Between 40 to 50 Between 50 to 60 Between 60 to 70 Between 70 to 80 Between 80 to 90 Between 90 to 100 Between 100 to 110 Between 110 to 120 Between 120 to 130 Between 130 to 140 Between 140 to 150 Between 150 to 160 Between 160 to 170 Between 170 to 180 Between 180 to 190 Between 190 to 200 Between 200 to 210 Between 210 to 220 Between 220 to 230 Between 230 to 240 Between 240 to 250 More than 250 Not clear to me Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 11. Do you / your organization use a specific BPA (Business Process Analysis) tool to discover, map, diagram, define, and simulate your business process? I don't know No answer No we use just Visio or similar simple diagramming tools No, we use the tools provided by the BPMS platform Not applicable Process Designer (Retgoo) Yes, AccuProcess Yes, Adonis (BOC) Yes, Aris (IDS Scheer > Software AG) Yes, Atego Yes, Barium Yes, Borland® Together® Yes, BusinessGenetics® BPM Yes, BusinessOptix Yes, cDevWorkflow Yes, Corporate Modeller (Casewise) Yes, Enterprise Architect (Sparx Systems) Yes, Eunomia Yes, Flow Modeler (GEMWorX) Yes, iGrafx Yes, iServer (Orbus Software) Yes, Iyopro Yes, Jira (Mongo DB) Yes, L-SIM Server™ (Lanner) Yes, MagicDraw (NoMagic) Yes, Mega Yes, Modelio Yes, Mood Yes, Nimbus (Tibco) Yes, our own tools developed internally Yes, ProActivity (EMC) Yes, QPR ProcessAnalyzer Yes, QualiWare Yes, Salamander Yes, SharedMind Yes, Signavio Yes, StereoLogic Yes, Visio Other (please, specify) Question Title * 12. On which kind of BPMS software vendor is your organization implementing / going to implement their automated BPM processes? LexisNexis On one of the top five biggest generalist software vendors On one of the big global BPMS specialized software vendors On one of the medium size global BPMS specialized software vendors On one of the small size local BPMS specialized software vendors On one of the on-line low-cost BPMS platforms On one of the open software free-license BPMS platforms Own internal development Not applicable I don't know No answer Otra (especifique) Question Title * 13. Which are in your opinion, for the needs of your organization, the best BPMS platforms / BPMS vendors in the market? (please, mark up to 3 options) ActionBase Actionsoft AWS ActionStep Active End Points (now ActiveVOS) (Informatica) ActiveVOS (ex Active Endpoints) (Informatica) Activiti (Alfresco) Adeptia Adobe LifeCycleES Advantis (now WorkFlowGen) Agile BPM (Fujitsu) AgilePoint (ex Ascentn) Agilium Agiloft Alfresco Apache ODE Apia BPMS (Statum) Appian AppPoint Appway Apriso (Dassault) Aris Artech Arxivar Augment BPM (Velocis) AuraPortal Aurea Software Avaya Roubroo AWD (DST Systems) Barium BEA (Oracle) BeInformed BizAgi BizFlow (HandySoft) Bluespring Software BonitaSoft Bosch Software Innovations BP Logix BPMonline bpmware (BSN) Camunda Cardiff (HP) Casewyse Synergy cDevWorkflow Cibernos Colosa Process Maker comindware Content Sort Cordys (OpenText) Cuteflow DivvyHQ Docfinity Documentum (EMC) DST Global Solutions DST Systems Easy software Effektif eGAMBPM EIS (ex Exigen) EMC EmForge Enj BPMS (Bisil) expertBPM (Datadec) Flexite BPMS FlowCentric FlowConnect Fluxicon Forest FormVerse Freedom WorkFlow Fujitsu Interstage Suite BPM Fujitsu RunMyProcess Genexus BPMS Global 360 (OpenText) GXFlow (Genexus) HandySoft Health Studio HP Process Automation I don't know IBM BPM (ex Lombardi) iDatix Ideate iGrafx Informatica Intalio Integrify Intellect Business Process Studio (Polaris) Intellera IntelliPRO BPMS (Intellileap) Interfacing Technologies Interneer Interstage (Fujitsu) inubit (Bosch) Isis Papyrus IsoSoft Process Iyoto (Intellivate) Java Cups jbpm (RedHat) Joget jSonic K2 Kaisha Kana Software (Verint) kbeeworkflow Kofax Singularity Laserfiche Lawson (Perceptive > Lexmark) Lexmark Life Cycle Process Management ES (Adobe) LiquidOffice (Cardiff > HP) LPS Desktop® Process Management™ (Black Knight) LSPS Process Engine (Whitestein Technologies) Metasonic Metastorm (OpenText) Microgen MicroPact (Entellitrak) Microsoft Mobideo Model Driven Solutions (Enterprise Component) Navvia Newgen Nimbus (Tibco) Nintex No answer Nobel BPMS OpenText Process Suite Oracle BPMS Own internal development PallasAthena (Perceptive > Lexmark) Pectra BPM Savia Pegasystems Perceptive Pallas Athena (Lexmark) PerfectForms Pink Elephant BPM Plan (Cibernos) PNMSoft Sequence Polaris (Intellect BPS) Polymita (RedHat) PowerPoint Process Director (BP Logix) ProcessGene ProcessMaker (Colosa) ProcessMate Progress Savvion ProWorkFlow (ProActive Software) Questetra BPMS Roubroo (Avaya) RunMyProcess (Fujitsu) SAP NetWeaver Saperion Workflow Suite (Perceptive > Lexmark) Savmobify Savvion (Aurea) SBPM (CeraiT) ServiceLink Fusion (Black Knight) SigmaFlow Singularity (Kofax) Skelta BPM (Invensys) Software AG webMethods SolarNexus Soreco XpertLivy Status Symbox Synergy (Casewise) Technus (Alphagroup) Tibco Software TotalWorkFlow (Daviker) uEngine Ultimus Unibox Suite BPMS Visio vitProcess (PymeVit) Voxa W4 webMethods (Software AG) WebSphere Business Modeller (IBM) Workey (C-log) WorkFlowGen (ex Advantis) Workpoint WorkWareOne XMPro iBPMS XpertLivy (Soreco) Zengine (WizeHive) Otra (especifique) Question Title * 14. Do you / your organization use a specific BI (Business Intelligence), BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) and / or CPM (Corporate Performance Manager) tool for nearly real time monitoring / analysis of your business processes operation? I don't know No No answer No but we are studying it Not applicable Yes own internal development Yes, BiBOARD Yes, Cognos from IBM Yes, Excel Yes, Google Docs Yes, Hicare Yes, Jedox Yes, MicroStrategy Yes, Oracle products Yes, Pentaho Yes, QlikView Yes, Reporting Server Microsoft Yes, SAP Business Objects Yes, we use the BAM module provided by our BPMS platform Yes, WebFOCUS (Information Builders) Other (please, specify) Question Title * 15. Do you / your organization use a specific ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) tool to manage the SOA layer? I don't know No answer No at all No but we are studying it Not applicable Yes, Apache Yes, CapeClear Yes, Fiorano Yes, IBM Yes, Oracle Yes, RedHat Yes, Talend Yes, we use the ESB module provided by our BPMS platform Yes, WSO2 Other (please, specify) Question Title * 16. Do you / your organization use a specific BRMS (Business Rules Management System) to create, apply and maintain the business rules to be used in your BPM Processes? I don't know No answer No but we are studying it Not applicable Not at all Yes, SharedMind Yes, we use Corticon (Progress) Yes, we use Drools (JBoss > RedHat) Yes, we use IBM ODM (ex ILOG) Yes, we use Oracle Yes, we use the BRMS module provided by our BPMS platform Other (please, specify) Question Title * 17. Which are the most important features you are / will / would mostly appreciate in the BPMS platform (to be) chosen by your organization to implement its automated BPM processes? (please, mark up to 5 options) Synchronization with AD / LDAP User / Site personalized calendars SaaS offering Clear / updated product on-line documentation Cloud offering Open architecture (SOAP / REST) I don't know Dynamic real-time views / forms generator On-line reallocation of tasks BPMN 2.0 Support No answer I don't know Available testimonies of satisfied users Global support directly from BPMS Vendor Model driven, no programming Mobility of personal process tasks No answer Flexibility for changes and treatment of unexpected exceptions Oracle DB integration of docs, twits, posts, tasks in inbox Integration capabilities Native integration with ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) Open source .NET Forms and Data Model separadted from Tasks Suitable for ACM (Adaptive Case Management) On-line support centre A single personal process task form for all the process class tasks Suitable for DCM (Dynamic Case Management) References of important customers Powerful BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) Version upgrades backwards compatible with older versions in terms of process definition Powerful, reliable software vendor behind Low maintenance fees Mutli-organizational charts Native integration with Alfresco Personalized views in tasks inbox Business rules in/out tasks Native integration with a BRMS Size of the installed base Level of version Multi-tenant Hot-swap changes at class level Years in the market Loab balancing Clustering Synchronization with external users DB Multilingual Global support from partners network IBM DB2 Integration of other BPMS tasks in inbox Not applicable Java Hot-swap changes at instance level Local language documentation Own business rules engine Native integration with SharePoint Support to all our users not only certified ones or administrators Scalability Low price of licenses Simulation and what if MS SQL Server Dynamic divisions in process tasks forms Availability of standardized "prêt-à-porter" processes already developed on the platform Other (please, specify) Question Title * 18. Taking into account that there are more than 400 BPMS software vendors active in our days, how many do you think will be still alive in 5 years' time from now? More than 2.500 Between 1.000 and 2.500 Between 500 and 1.000 Between 250 and 500 Between 100 and 250 Between 50 and 100 Between 25 and 50 Between 10 and 25 Between 5 and 10 Less than 5 Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 19. Referring to the BPMS platform are you using now, do your organization plan? To keep it in the future, for sure Most probably, to keep it in the future Probably, to keep it in the future Probably, to migrate to an other in the future Most probably, to migrate to another in the future To migrate to another in the future for sure Probably, migrate to a BPaaS provider Migrate to BPaaS provider, for sure Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 20. For your organization, which is / will / would be the most suitable implementation modality of BPMS platform / BPM processes? On-premises On a private cloud On a public cloud On the cloud of the BPMS software vendor On the cloud of the BPaaS provider On any type of cloud deployment Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 21. Who is doing / will do the implementation of automated BPM processes in your organization? The Quality department The IT department The Organization department The Process department Our own business and technological consultants A new team of internal people we have picked-up from other functions and we have / will train to do this job A new team of external people we have contracted / will contract Our own business people in collaboration with an external technological consultancy company The BPMS software vendor The BPMS software vendor in collaboration with a business consultancy company A business consultancy company A technological consultancy company Free-lance BPM consultants we have hired No body, because we are using BPaaS services from the Cloud, they are doing their processes customization / integration to our needs Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 22. According to your own experience or knowledge, which is / was the average total time for implementing a medium complexity automated BPM process, from the discovering phase to its successful start-up? Less than 1 month From 2 to 3 months From 3 to 6 months From 6 to 9 months From 9 to 12 months From 12 to 15 months From 15 to 18 months From 18 to 21 months From 21 to 24 months From 24 to 27 months From 27 to 30 months From 30 to 33 months From 33 to 36 months More than 36 months Not applicable I don't know No answer Other (please, specify) Question Title * 23. Which functional areas of your organization are the most covered by automated BPM processes? (please, mark up to 3 options) Accounting Administration After Sales Support Backoffice Board of Directors Communication Consultancy Customer Service CXO Management Design Distribution e-Commerce Engineering