Please mark your preferences to questions 1 through 7 below

Question Title

* 1. First name:

Question Title

* 2. Last name:

Question Title

Confirm your attendance for preschool classroom observations at a Boston Public School.

Question Title

* 4. We have two simultaneous Panel Sessions, as marked below, please mark the one you would like to attend (for more details please refer to the Program Agenda).

Simultaneous Case Presentations Sessions
Tuesday, March 28, 3:30-5:15pm

Question Title

* 5. Additionally there are two simultaneous Project Sessions, as marked below, please mark the one you would like to attend (for more details please refer to the Program Agenda).

Simultaneous Project Sessions:
Wednesday, March 29, 10:45-12:15pm

Question Title

* 6. Favor indicar si necesita traducción simultanea al español durante las principales presentaciones (e inscribirse en el Panel A y la Sesión A).

Indicate if you need translation from English to Spanish during the major presentations (and register in Panel and Session A).

Question Title

* 7. Let us know if you have any of the following DIETARY RESTRICTIONS, please mark below: