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Fill out our survey and enter the draw to win a Smartbox valued at €250.

In exchange for your time and valuable collaboration, you will be entered into a draw for a Smartbox valued at €250.
This is an external brand survey, so people who work at knowmad mood will not be eligible for the prize.
March 31th will be the last day to participate.
We will contact the winner after closing the survey and carrying out the draw.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following do you identify with?

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* 2. Were you aware of the rebranding from atSistemas and Digital Wolves to knowmad mood?

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* 3. How do you perceive the change to knowmad mood?

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* 4. Do you know the other brands within the knowmad mood group? (multiple choice)

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* 5. Do you know the following companies in the IT sector (multiple choice)? 

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* 6. Do you know the size of knowmad mood?

Question Title

* 7. knowmad mood is present in Spain, Italy, Portugal, UK, USA, Uruguay and Morocco. In which country/countries did you know we are present (multiple choice)?

Question Title

* 8. In which type of services does knowmad mood perform best?

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* 9. Which of the following technologies do you associate knowmad mood with (multiple choice)?

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* 10. How would you describe knowmad mood in one word? (Open-ended question)

Question Title

* 11. In December 2022, knowmad mood entered BME Growth. Were you aware that we are a publicly traded company?

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* 12. Do you consider knowmad mood a trustworthy service provider?

Question Title

* 13. Would you classify knowmad mood as an important player in the ecosystem of technology consultancies in this country?

Question Title

* 14. Please enter your name and e-mail address in order to participate in the draw.

Thank you for taking part in the survey!

You will be entered into a draw for a Smartbox valued at €250.

We will contact the winner in the coming weeks.
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