Participation in Spanish Class Question Title * 1. Soy estudiante de... Español 1 Español 2 Español 5 Español 9 Question Title * 2. Soy... Chico Chica Question Title * 3. Usually, in Spanish classes,... I never participate I participate one time per class I always participate 2 times per class I always participate more than 3 times per class I only participate if the teacher calls my name Never, I don´t like to participate in class Question Title * 4. Do you like to participate in Spanish class? ¿Te gusta participar en clase? Yes, I love it. Sí, me encanta. Yes, but I get nervous, I am worried of making mistakes. Si, pero pongo nervioso, me preocupa cometer errores No, because I am not sure that my answer is correct. No porque no estoy seguro de que mi respuesta sea correcta No, I don´t like to participate in class. No, no me gusta participar en clase Question Title * 5. How do you feel when the teacher says your name to participate? ¿Cómo te sientes cuándo el profesor dice tu nombre para que participes? I feel nervous and insecure. Nervioso e inseguro I feel worried about making a mistake. Preocupado por si cometo un error I feel good, I like to participate. Bien, me gusta participar Question Title * 6. Why do you feel like that? Write a short sentence. ¿Por qué te sientes así? Question Title * 7. How do you feel when you participate? Write a short sentence. ¿Cómo te sientes cuando participas en clase? Escribe una frase corta. Question Title * 8. How do you feel when you participate using Kahoot or Mentimeter? Much better I feel the same I don´t like Kahoot/Mentimeter Otro (especifique) Question Title * 9. Why do you feel like that when you use Kahoot or Mentimeter? Write a short sentence. Question Title * 10. When I participate in class (with my mobile or in group activities or at the white board)... I feel that I learn more I feel that I don´t learn because I am too nervous I don´t think that participating in class improves my learning Listo