This survey is part of a previous consultation of Session 9 "Populations at High Risk as Agents of Change in Disaster Risk Reduction" to be held in the framework of the 5th Regional Platform for DRR in the Americas, to be held in Montreal Canada from March 7 to 9, 2017. The consultation aims to provide the opportunity for open participation in the development of recommendations for inclusion of the population who live in conditions of vulnerability and whose particular characteristics require specific provision, protection and participation spaces, such as: Children, adolescents and youth, women, Disabled persons, Senior citizens, Indigenous, Afro- Descendants, Population with HIV / AIDS, Migrants and refugees, LGBTI people, or others.

It is a survey of perception and does not require evidence or supports to justify the answers. The responses provided by the informants are based on their experience and knowledge. The information collected will not be associated with specific individuals but analyzed with reference to the country and the region.

Approximate response time: 15 min.
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20% of survey complete.