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You, AI and Your Job

A survey by Future for Work Institute
This survey is aimed at professionals currently working in the HR function of a company or other institution, regardless of the specific role you currently perform within the function (CHRO, specialists, HRBPs, etc.).

Our objective is to explore how you view the main challenges arising from the rapid arrival of artificial intelligence technologies in the world of work and, more specifically, in the HR function.

We at Future for Work Institute appreciate your generous collaboration.

Question Title

* 2. What is your SEX?

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* 3. What is your AGE?

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* 4. How long have you been working in the HR FUNCTION?

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* 5. How long have you been working in your CURRENT COMPANY?

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* 6. How would you classify the ROLE YOU CURRENTLY PERFORM in the HR area of your company?

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* 7. Which of the following topics fall within the SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY of the role/position you currently perform in the HR area of your company? (check all that apply)

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* 9. How many people work for your company IN SPAIN?

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* 10. How many people work for your company WORLDWIDE?


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* 12. How frequently do you CURRENTLY use artificial intelligence solutions in your work?

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* 13. What is the AI TOOL you use most frequently in your work?

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* 14. If you use AI in your work, what do you mainly use it for?

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* 15. Do you use any AI tools in your work that were NOT PROVIDED BY YOUR COMPANY?

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* 16. Does your manager know?


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* 17. In THREE YEARS, how frequently do you think you will use artificial intelligence solutions in your work?

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* 18. How much do you expect artificial intelligence to transform your job in the next three years?

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* 19. To what extent do you agree that artificial intelligence will produce the following CHANGES in your work in the NEXT THREE YEARS?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I will have to perform new tasks that I do not currently do.
I will stop doing some tasks that I currently perform.
I will be able to do tasks that I previously couldn't do.
AI will allow me to perform my tasks in less time.
My productivity will be more similar to that of my colleagues.
The quality of my work will improve.
My work will add more value to my company.
My credibility within the company will increase.

Question Title

* 20. To what extent do you agree that artificial intelligence will produce the following CHANGES in your work in the NEXT THREE YEARS?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My work will become more complex.
I will spend more time on training and learning.
My job satisfaction will improve.
I will have more confidence in my ability to perform well.
It will be easier for me to balance my work and personal life.
I will be at greater risk of losing my job.

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* 21. What do you expect will change the most in your job due to the use of artificial intelligence in the NEXT THREE YEARS?


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* 22. Looking back: How much would you say that artificial intelligence has transformed your job in the LAST THREE YEARS?

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* 23. To what extent do you agree that artificial intelligence has produced the following CHANGES in your work in the LAST THREE YEARS?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I have to perform new tasks that I did not do before.
I have stopped performing some tasks I used to do.
I can now do tasks that I could not do before.
AI allows me to perform my tasks in less time.
My productivity is now more similar to that of my colleagues.
The quality of my work has improved.
My work adds more value to my company.
My credibility within the company has increased.

Question Title

* 24. To what extent do you agree that artificial intelligence has produced the following CHANGES in your work in the LAST THREE YEARS?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My work has become more complex.
I spend more time on training and learning.
My job satisfaction has improved.
I have more confidence in my ability to perform well.
It is now easier for me to balance my work and personal life.
I am at greater risk of losing my job.

Question Title

* 25. What has changed the most in your job as a result of using artificial intelligence in the LAST THREE YEARS?

0 of 25 answered