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Event management survey software

Plan events, organize conferences, and get post-event feedback. Our event management survey software makes it simple.

Whether you’re planning a tradeshow or an endurance race, we have the tools you need to manage events of every size and type. Use surveys both before and after events to help you prepare, then improve the next event by understanding what worked and what didn’t. Did people feel the event was well organized? Was the staff helpful? How are vendors working together? With the right feedback and an event checklist, you’ll know everything you need to make each event a success.

SurveyMonkey was built for organizations that rely on multiple people to help coordinate and run projects. Give everyone on your team access to our powerful survey platform, and make it easy to keep a handle on your users and data. We even have tons of event-planning survey templates to help you get started in minutes.

Are you a corporate event planner for conferences? Do you put on weddings? Or plan fundraisers and nonprofit events? Here are a few ways to use surveys to make event management a snap:

Find out who will be attending the event and collect RSVPs. To make sure you have enough staff and volunteers, food, and room for everyone, make sure you get an accurate headcount. Ask for names, contact information, preferences for food, programming, and other accommodations. By using online survey software, you can get responses right into a spreadsheet and keep everything organized..

Learn how your marketing efforts are working. Event marketing is a costly expense. Make sure you’re using your dollars wisely by asking people how they learned about the event, and find out their preferences for receiving future communications.

Learn what people hope to get out of the event. If you have an event that features speakers, or is educational in nature, tailor the programming to meet attendees’ interests. Ask people what they expect to learn, and find out if there are specific topics they’d like to have covered.

Develop content and make adjustments on the fly. Run surveys during your event to see what people think. In a conference setting, sharing statistics around opinions and attitudes can be a great way to make the experience more engaging and perhaps help improve customer relations.

Improve future events by sending out follow-up surveys. After all of the work you put into coordinating the event, see what people thought of it so that you can improve future planning efforts. Send out follow-up surveys and learn if people would recommend the event, if they found the staff to be helpful, and if the event was a good value for the cost.

Keep your staff engaged. An event is only as good as the vendors and staff who run it. A post-event survey for your vendors and staff can help identify ways to improve and potential identify problem areas.

We offer a range of surveys aimed at collecting feedback before and after events. All of our survey templates are written by professional survey methodologists and are expert-certified, so you can feel confident that you are asking the right types of questions. The arrangement of the questions is designed to be clear and straightforward for people taking the surveys. Mix and match from our Question Bank – use our complete, pre-written templates. Our survey software also makes is simple to write custom questions and customize templates.

Our event management survey templates include:

If you prefer to write your own event feedback surveys (or if you want to add questions to our pre-written surveys), make sure to read our tips for writing great survey questions. We also have helpful guides for creating and conducting surveys. We also recommend the following:

  1. Let people know why you’re sending the survey: People will be more willing to provide feedback if they understand why you’re collecting it. At the beginning of your survey, let people know the reason for the survey and how you’ll use the information.
  2. Make your survey as accessible as possible. We build stronger communities by including as many people as possible. All of our standard survey designs comply with web accessibility standards (by U.S. Section 508 standards), and you can deliver them online in a variety of ways.
  3. Longer surveys aren’t necessarily better! You don’t need to create long, multi-page surveys to collect great, insightful feedback. The types of questions you use, and how they’re written, matter more than simply asking a lot of questions. As a courtesy, indicate in the introduction how long the survey should take to fill out.
  4. Send your survey right away. Get feedback when people are still thinking about your event. For event planning, make it part of the reservation process. Event management is easier when you get post event feedback at the end of the event or follow up with a timely email. Our survey software makes it easy to get surveys in front of your attendees any time.