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What is marketing research and how you can use it to win

Use marketing research to keep pace with your markets and customers, long before your competitors do.

Marketing research is a process most businesses and marketers do on a regular basis. The challenge is determining how to strategically conduct marketing research that will help guide profitable business decisions. While many marketing efforts begin with hopes of improving the business, the result can render an overwhelming amount of data that might not be relevant to the primary business objective. 

Understanding how to conduct marketing research must first start with knowing the types of research methods available. This article will teach you core marketing research methods and how to use them in a way to help your business win. 

Marketing research is the process of determining the success of a product or service based on direct research with consumers. Marketing research can benefit every aspect of a business. Data and analysis collected from marketing research can help a business better position itself in terms of its product, branding, marketing, and customer service. 

A great deal of the marketing research process is based on consumer buying behaviors. Consumers’ perception of your brand or service can reflect in the data collected. With proper analysis, this data can help you strategically deliver your business in a way that meets consumer needs.
Start your marketing research in minutes with one of our pre-written survey templates.

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Marketing research can help define business goals and your primary business objective. With the right marketing research methods, you’ll discover any problems within your business, the industry, learn marketing trends, and be better equipped to predict future sales. Marketing research also helps you discover gapped information that affects the a